Le Sorelle di Maria Immacolata

We are the Sisters of Mary Immaculate founded 2002 in Sri Lanka by his Excellence Rev. Dr. Oswald Gomis together with Rev. Sr. Amatha Senanayaka. The community is conceived as an instrument and a means offered to all souls of good will who wish to respond to the universal call to sanctity solemnly proclaimed by the Second Vatican Council in the Dogmatic Constitution Lumen Gentium. It seeks especially to bring its members to a more lively awareness and a fuller realization of the mystery of their adoption as sons of God, in a more intimate union with Christ. We live with full awareness and humility, faith, hope and charity in the life of everyday, in every condition, in every circumstances of life at every age. The Sisters are inspired by the Spirituality of love as Jesus who walked around Galilee by doing good. It means to open itself, in the spirit of true ecumenism, to the understanding, respect and love of the authentic religious values of all peoples and all culture. The Sisters of Mary Immaculate is a Community of the faithful which, by means of a triple consecration to the Divine Word, the Virgin Mother Mary and the Church, gather together who live in the world. The community commits its own member to live in the world the mystery of adoption son ship of God in the perfection charity. The Community's ideal is to renew for today the miracle of the early Church. Our main goal is to develop the humanism through education.
Values and Visions
The care value of our apostolate has always been the dignity and humanity of each person. How this is expressed has evolved over time with our greater understanding of the rights o all people with the changing hopes and expectations of the individuals and families with whom we work with growing expertise of all association with our apostolate.
As our Apostolate is now at a time of development with new challenges and opportunities to be worked on, it is helpful to review the principles that underline our work. Here are growing expectations as to our range type and quality of the apostolate we offer. In evaluating our present work and in planning for the future we need to be clear about the values that motivate us and be able to share them with others. In making this renewed statement, we continue our tradition of being open to the best contemporary influences. We want to be inspired by the most creative ideas emerging in our services throughout the world and to ask how we can give them concrete expression. We draw on current Sisters of Mary Immaculate Literature and on a wide range of national and international statements of rights and standards reading the lives of children and the services that will support them.
We are deeply conscious of the many gaps between his value and vision statement and our achievements may cause frustration and hurt at time. The tension between our ideals and reality, urges us to improve continuously the quality of our apostolate. This statement will be effective to the degree in which it affirms our present work while challenging us to bridge the gaps between what we say we believe and what we actually do. We will remain responsive to all the people associated in whatever way with the Sisters of Mary Immaculate. The greatest hope of our apostolate is to create a positive mind in a child. Not like an object but like a subject let to grow them independently by conduct them in their way.
Children Project - Sisters of Mary Immaculate
"Let the Children Come to me"
The vision of the Sisters of Mary Immaculate:
Build up the children who rejected from the society by giving them parents love.
The mission of this child care project of the Sisters:
This project is committed to the spiritual, mental, physical and emotional wholeness of children needing residents care. We supposed to build up their abilities changing the environment of the children.
Aims and objectives of the project:
We help Children to forget their bitter memories about their parents and different kind of life experience by love them and by listening to them. Also the Sisters us to co-ordinate them to look forward through the love of Christ by changing their bad attitudes that they have bout the society . The aim is to train the children to face to the world confidently as respectable citizens.
The Goal:
"If you are teaching Latin to John, as you should know Latin. And also you must know about John more than Latin:"
Special thing is to understand the mind of the child and not to change them but to show them the correct way and let them to go to their own achievements.
The Purpose of the Project:
We may pay attention in our project of childcare according to the further categories.
Life skills
As Christian organization in the Catholic tradition the Sisters of Mary Immaculate are inspired by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We greatly value the spiritual dimension of our lives. We facilitate the wishes of the children in our apostolate and grow in their particular traditions such as their own religion and their language etc they are all respected by the Sisters.